Clinical Assessment and Intervention Tools

Educational videos to support the skills development of neuro-atypical people on industrial production lines

Pr Claude Vincent

A program designed to improve the employability of people with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), craniocerebral disorder (CCD) or intellectual disability (ID).

Educational videos to promote employment and strengthen socio-professional skills among young people with autism in the food sector

Pr Claude Vincent

These instructional videos aim to assess the interest of future employees with ASD in different tasks to be performed in the context of a grocery store. They also make it possible to assess their understanding of the tasks and to promote their integration into the workplace. A second series of videos has also been developed to help mentors become familiar with the particularities associated with autism.

PRACT-PTSA ─ A questionnaire to establish the profile of rehabilitation/adaptation in the work context for autistic people

Pr Claude Vincent

A tool that also makes it possible to better document the evolution of people by identifying their strengths and needs at various points in time.

Agir pour moi: a pain self-management program

Pr Anne Marie Pinard

A free online program that offers strategies to better manage chronic pain on a daily basis.

Evaluation of satisfaction with geospatial assistive technology (ESGAT)

Pr Claude Vincent

A questionnaire developed to assess the level of satisfaction of people using geospatial assistance apps when using wheelchairs.

ESCALADE Program: an intervention program for adolescents with a developmental language disorder (DLD)

Pr Chantal Desmarais

17 turnkey activities to use in class with adolescents with a developmental language disorder to improve their self-knowledge as well as their communication, socialization and planning skills.

Insomnia and fatigue after traumatic brain injury – Assessment and Intervention Manual

Pr Marie-Christine Ouellet

Constructed according to cognitive behavioural principles, the content of the manual was developed based on evidence gathered from CBT clients and other populations and the expertise of clinicians working with these individuals.

MEA : measure of environmental accessibility

Pr Ernesto Morales

This measure can be used by organizations, institutions, clinicians of the health sector, designers and managers of urban centres, researchers or anyone who wishes to ensure an equitable access to the built environment to people with physical, intellectual and cognitive disabilities.

Life-H : An assessment tool used to measure the quality of social participation

Pr Patrick Fougeyrollas

The Life-H questionnaire collects information on the lifestyle habits of individuals in their environment (e.g., home, workplace/study, neighborhood). The purpose of the questionnaire is to ensure the survival and development of persons with disabilities and disabilities in society throughout their lives. In other words, the instrument measures the respondent’s perception, in relation to the level of achievement of lifestyle habits and satisfaction.