Preliminary Assessment of an Ambulatory Device Dedicated to Upper Airway Muscle Training in Patients With Sleep Apnea: Proof-of-Concept Study (Preprint) 16 août 2023
Towards data-driven biopsychosocial classification of non-specific chronic low back pain: a pilot study 12 août 2023
A systematic review of the determinants of implementation of a locomotor training program using a powered exoskeleton for individuals with a spinal cord injury 1 août 2023
Reliability, validity, and responsiveness of a Canadian French adaptation of the pain self-efficacy questionnaire (PSEQ) 31 juillet 2023
Access and adherence to the most recent recommendations regarding resumption of activities after a mild traumatic brain injury 29 juillet 2023
Assessing the Feasibility and Preliminary Effects of a Web-Based Self-Management Program for Chronic Noncancer Pain: Mixed Methods Study (Preprint) 26 juillet 2023
Correction: Acceptability and Feasibility of a Return-to-Work Intervention for Posttreatment Breast Cancer Survivors: Protocol for a Co-design and Development Study 19 juillet 2023
Electromyographic Activity of the Pelvic Floor Muscles and Internal Oblique Muscles in Women during Running with Traditional and Minimalist Shoes: A Cross-Over Clinical Trial 18 juillet 2023
Correction: Acceptability and Feasibility of a Return-to-Work Intervention for Posttreatment Breast Cancer Survivors: Protocol for a Co-design and Development Study (Preprint) 12 juillet 2023
Sensitivity and specificity of algorithms for the identification of nonspecific low back pain in medico-administrative databases 1 juillet 2023
Systematic review of the psychometric properties of cultural adaptations and translations of the Children’s Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment (CAPE) 1 juillet 2023
Échelle de fréquence des comportements préventifs au travail : Analyse des propriétés métrologiques. 1 juillet 2023