Manon Truchon is a full professor at Université Laval's School of Psychology. She teaches in the fields of occupational health psychology. Work-related stress and the determinants of well-being and job satisfaction are at the heart of her research concerns, as are the development, monitoring and evaluation of preventive organizational interventions (e.g. collective and participative approaches, ergonomic approach) aimed at creating ethical and empowering work environments conducive to well-being, quality of work life and productivity. More recently, she has been focusing on the organizational climate of psychosocial health and safety, which refers to practices, policies and procedures aimed at protecting psychological health and safety in the workplace, and preventing short- and long-term absence linked to musculoskeletal and psychological disorders. She is also interested in individual and organizational primary prevention approaches for work-related stress, burnout and vicarious post-traumatic stress.
Psychology, Occupational health, Psychosocial safety, Organizational prevention