Emilie Doutreloux holds the Chaire de leadership en enseignement en équité, diversité et inclusion - Banque Nationale. Her doctorate in education from the Université de Sherbrooke (2020) documented situations of injustice experienced by allophones of recent immigrant background in higher education, particularly in terms of equal access. Her recent research focuses on equal opportunity, the student experience, the democratization of higher education and institutional capacity-building for equity, diversity and inclusion. She favors interpretative and participatory approaches aimed at social transformation and emancipation. Over the years, she has acquired extensive expertise in issues of access to higher education, equity, discrimination, school justice and inclusion, which has led her to collaborate with several research centers, observatories, associations, ministries and higher education institutions. She currently sits on the Commission de l'enseignement et de la recherche au collégial of the Conseil supérieur de l'éducation.
Equity, diversity, inclusion, education, equal opportunities, access to higher education, international migration and reskilling