A Novel Feature Matching Method for Matching OpenStreetMap Buildings with Those of Reference Dataset 1 January 2023
A Novel GIS-Based Machine Learning Approach for the Classification of Multi-motorized Transportation Modes 1 January 2023
Evaluation of three pedestrian phasing with audible pedestrian signals configurations in Quebec City (Canada): an exploratory study of blind or visually impaired persons’ sense of safety, preferences, and expectations 1 January 2023
Intensive care photoplethysmogram datasets and machine-learning for blood pressure estimation: Generalization not guarantied 1 January 2023
Improving flat fluorescence microscopy in scattering tissue through deep learning strategies 1 January 2023
Recent Advances in CMOS Electrochemical Biosensor Design for Microbial Monitoring: Review and Design Methodology 1 January 2023
An Ultralow-Power Capacitive Array-Based IR-UWB Transmitter Using Cross-Coupled Oscillator 1 January 2023