Complexity and hemispheric abilities: Evidence for a differential impact on semantics and phonology 1 January 2009
L-dopa medication in Parkinson’s disease restores activity in the motor cortico-striatal loop but does not modify the cognitive network 1 January 2009
The responsiveness of three-dimensional knee accelerations used as an estimation of knee instability and loading transmission during gait in osteoarthritis patient’s follow-up. 20 August 2008
The regulation of vestibular afferent information during monocular vision while standing 1 August 2008
An electrohydraulic actuated ankle foot orthosis to generate force fields and to test proprioceptive reflexes during human walking. 1 August 2008
Inflammation-induced leukocyte accumulation in injured skeletal muscle: role of mast cells. 1 June 2008
Cortical topography of human first dorsal interroseus during individuated and nonindividuated grip tasks. 1 May 2008
New accelerometric method to discriminate between asymptomatic subjects and patients with medial knee osteoarthritis during 3-d gait. 1 April 2008
Test-retest reliability and minimal clinical change determination for 3-dimensional tibial and femoral accelerations during treadmill walking in knee osteoarthritis patients. 1 April 2008