Black-box optimization of sensor placement with elevation maps and probabilistic sensing models 1 January 2011
A GIS based wireless sensor network coverage estimation and optimization: A Voronoi approach 1 January 2011
Formal classification of integrity constraints in spatiotemporal database applications 1 January 2011
Toward 3D spatial dynamic field simulation within GIS using kinetic Voronoi diagram and Delaunay tetrahedralization 1 January 2011
A high-performance analog front-end for an intraoral tongue-operated assistive technology 1 January 2011
Approaches for the efficient extraction and processing of biopotentials in implantable neural interfacing microsystems 1 January 2011
Combined effects of speed and directional change on postural adjustments during gait initiation 1 January 2011
Balance control improves following replacement of paroxetine with venlafaxine and levodopa in a case of microvascular dementia 1 January 2011
Patients’ satisfaction of healthcare services and perception with in-home telerehabilitation and physiotherapists’ satisfaction toward technology for post-knee arthroplasty: An embedded study in a randomized trial 1 January 2011