A computer vision framework for the analysis and interpretation of the cephalo-ocular behavior of drivers 1 January 2013
Report of the first Outcome Measures in Myotonic Dystrophy type 1 (OMMYD-1) international workshop 1 January 2013
Person-centered care training in long-term care settings: Usefulness and facility of transfer into practice 1 January 2013
Toward an executive origin for acquired phonological dyslexia: A case of specific deficit of context-sensitive grapheme-to-phoneme conversion rules 1 January 2013
Encourager l’expression du point de vue des personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle 1 January 2013
Are non-literal language comprehension deficits related to a theory of mind deficit in Parkinson’s disease?,Les déficits de compréhension du langage non littéral dans la maladie de Parkinson sont-ils liés à un déficit de la théorie de l’esprit? 1 January 2013
A new lexical card-sorting task for studying fronto-striatal contribution to processing language rules 1 January 2013
Revisiting age-of-acquisition effects in Spanish visual word recognition: The role of item imageability 1 January 2013
The development of the spinal cord injury participation and quality of life (PAR-QoL) tool-kit 1 November 2012
Effects of rolling resistances on handrim kinetics during the performance of wheelies among manual wheelchair users with a spinal cord injury 1 November 2012