Real-life interactions and the eight sources of information framework (8-sif): A reply to Champagne-Lavau and Moreau (2013) 1 January 2013
On what ground do we mentalize? Characteristics of current tasks and sources of information that contribute to mentalizing judgments 1 January 2013
The comparison between motor imagery and verbal rehearsal on the learning of sequential movements 1 January 2013
Promoting locomotor recovery through motor imagery,Optimiser la récupération locomotrice par l’imagerie motrice 1 January 2013
Spatial navigation in the presence of dynamic obstacles in a virtual environment among people post-stroke: A preliminary study 1 January 2013
Traumatic brain injury and post-acute decline: what role does environmental enrichment play? A scoping review 1 January 2013
Altered Integrated Locomotor and Cognitive Function in Elite Athletes 30 Days Postconcussion 1 January 2013
Life habits performance of individuals with brain injury in different living environments. 1 January 2013
Effect of service dogs on manual wheelchair users with spinal cord injury: A pilot study 1 January 2013
Design and validation of an intelligent wheelchair towards a clinically-functional outcome 1 January 2013