Proximal lower limb muscle energetics and the adaptation of segment elevation angle phasing for obstacle avoidance 1 February 2013
Arm movements during split-belt walking reveal predominant patterns of interlimb coupling 1 February 2013
Use of Segmental Coordination Analysis of Nonparetic and Paretic Limbs During Obstacle Clearance in Community-Dwelling Persons After Stroke 1 February 2013
Stroke-specific executive function assessment: a literature review of performance-based tools. 1 February 2013
A prospective cohort study to refine and validate the Panic Screening Score for identifying panic attacks associated with unexplained chest pain in the emergency department 1 January 2013
Determinants of pain, functional limitations and health-related quality of life six months after total knee arthroplasty: Results from a prospective cohort study 1 January 2013
Effort-reward imbalance and video display unit postural risk factors interact in women on the incidence of musculoskeletal symptoms 1 January 2013
Obstacles to and facilitators of return to work after work-disabling back pain: The workers’ perspective 1 January 2013
The two sides of pain communication: Effects of pain expressiveness on vicarious brain responses revealed in chronic back pain patients 1 January 2013
Impact of social anxiety on social cognition and functioning in patients with recent-onset schizophrenia spectrum disorders 1 January 2013
Social cognition in first-degree relatives of people with schizophrenia: A meta-analysis 1 January 2013