Quantifying forearm and wrist joint power during unconstrained movements in healthy individuals 1 January 2014
Generalization of vestibular learning to earth-fixed targets is possible but limited when the polarity of afferent vestibular information is changed 1 January 2014
L’utilisation de « groupes de discussion » dans la recherche en déficience intellectuelle 1 January 2014
The role of polysemy on metaphor comprehension processing: The example of Parkinson’s disease 1 January 2014
Independent effects of imageability and grammatical class in synonym judgement in aphasia,Efectos independientes de la imaginabilidad y la clase gramatical en juicios de sinonimia en pacientes afásicos 1 January 2014
Effect of mild cognitive impairment on the patterns of neural activity in early parkinson’s disease 1 January 2014