Lower limb control and strength in runners with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome. 9 March 2015
Service dogs in the province of Quebec: sociodemographic profile of users and the dogs’ impact on functional ability 4 March 2015
Assessing the perception of trunk movements in military personnel with chronic non-specific low back pain using a virtual mirror. 1 March 2015
Stakeholder perceptions on the roles clinical neuropsychologists can play in rehabilitation service delivery for victims of a traumatic brain injury with mental health disorders. 1 March 2015
Mechanical properties of endothelialized fibroblast-derived vascular scaffolds stimulated in a bioreactor. 1 March 2015
Interprofessional collaboration: development of a tool to enhance knowledge translation 13 February 2015
Exploring consequences of short- and long-term deafness on speech production: a lip-tube perturbation study. 6 February 2015
Visuo-locomotor coordination for direction changes in a manual wheelchair as compared to biped locomotion in healthy subjects 1 February 2015