Scientific workshops and lectures

Throughout the year, Cirris’ Scientific Committee offers workshops and conferences in line with its strategic objectives. Make a habit of visiting this page! The information shared here is updated regularly. For further information :

March 2025|Living environments and enabling environments month

Conference | Implementing managerial practices that promote self-determination in the field of disability

Thursday, March 27, 12:15 to 1 p.m. – Room H-1500, Cirris Hamel
Zoom link :

Self-determination is taking on a prominent role in the practices of establishments in the medico-social sector, and GAPAS, through its 40 establishments, has chosen to make it a principle guiding both the accompaniment of people with disabilities and managerial practices. Through the presentation of various projects carried out at GAPASThis link will open in a new window (staff recruitment with the participation of users, setting up inclusive housing, projects in schools, etc.), this conference will be an opportunity to reflect on the necessary coherence between the values promoted, the support offered and the management practices of organizations.

International guest speaker :

François Bernard
Managing Director of GAPAS and the Campus training center, specializing in self-determination and inclusive practices in the disability sector.

April 2025|Mois de l’accès aux services et situations critiques

Workshop | Hippocampus, amygdala and storytelling :
your story out of the ordinary

Presented as part of Access to Services and Critical Situations Month.

Tuesday, April 15, 2025, 12:15 to 1:00 pm, at Cirris room H-1500

This colorful, participatory workshop will introduce you to unconventional brainstorming and knowledge mobilization methods. Come and experiment and learn how to support an argument through storytelling and think outside the box to share your research results. As part of the theme month on access to services, tell your projects and ideas from a new angle.

Presenters :

Nathalie Gordon, Intersectoral Coordination Officer, Société Inclusive, Cirris
Joanie Bédard, Research Coordinator, Cirris
Kadija Perreault, Cirris researcher, full professor at the School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Université Laval

Conference | EDI: a lever for improving access to rehabilitation in the field of disability

Presented in collaboration with VITAM, Centre de recherche en santé durable as part of Cirris’ Access to Services and Critical Situations Month.

Tuesday, April 22, 12:15 to 1 p.m. – Room H-1500, Cirris Hamel
Zoom link:

Familiarize yourself with concepts and approaches related to equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and, more specifically, the impact of sexual and gender diversity on access to rehabilitation services. The team will present concrete courses of action for implementing promising EDI practices and initiatives.

Presenters :

Samuel Turcotte, Assistant Professor, School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Université Laval, Cirris
Julie Beauchamp, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Neurosciences, Université Laval, VITAM
Sara Mathieu-Chartier, Lecturer in Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Neurosciences, Université Laval

June 2025

Presentations | Midis Lumière sur la Relève

Starting in January, Cirris’ Scientific Life Committee will be presenting Les Midis Lumière sur la Relève! This new lecture series aims to showcase the work of our most recent research members and foster new collaborations between these emerging researchers and the Cirris community.

In a friendly format combining interview, presentation and discussion, come and meet Cirris’ new talents:

Isabelle Préfontaine and Myriam Chrétien-Vincent
(January 23, 12:15 to 1:00 pm, at Cirris site Saint-Louis)

Pascale Marier-Deschênes and Pierre Langevin
(June 10, 12:15 to 1:00 pm, Cirris site Hamel)

Coffee and sweets will also be available!