Scientific workshops and lectures

Throughout the year, Cirris’ Scientific Committee offers workshops and conferences in line with its strategic objectives. Make a habit of visiting this page! The information shared here is updated regularly. For further information :


CONFERENCE | The use of robots to understand human motor control and learning

Presented in collaboration with Neuro Québec
September 26, 2024 – In English
Room H-1500, Cirris Hamel & Via Zoom

Guest speaker :
Tyler Cluff, PhD
Associate Professor, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Member of the Hotchkiss Brain Institute
Member of the CANStroke Recovery Trials group

Learn more about Tyler Cluff’s work in this presentation focusing on the design of robotic tasks, tools and analysis to study motor control and learning in humans. Prof. Cluff will focus on the importance of sensory feedback in voluntary movement, and on transposition work to understand the challenges that can arise in neurological injury and disease.

Zoom link
Meeting ID : 858 9708 3388