The ESCALADE program was developed in co-construction with school stakeholders. It includes 17 turnkey activities to use in the classroom with adolescents with a developmental language disability in order to improve their self-knowledge as well as their communication, socialization and planning skills.
The ESCALADE program aims to meet the needs of two main groups:
Junior high school adolescents with a developmental language disorder (DLD) for whom few services are currently available, despite the fact that research clearly demonstrates the marked needs for support of this clientele;
The school workers who welcome and accompany these young people and who reported having few tools to support them in their journey towards better communication skills.
The material designed to support the animation of the ESCALADE program is composed of four main tools:
The animation guide, the reference document for the animation of the program’s activities. The objectives, materials, conduct and conclusion of each of the activities are described. Some activities are also accompanied by suggestions for reinvesting the concepts learned;
The student’s notebook, the student’s work tool containing the exercises and visual supports necessary to carry out the activities;
Accompanying videos for the implementation of the program, i.e. “general public” information and training videos for the stakeholders who animate the program’s activities;