
This research theme focuses on the personal constituents (impairments and disabilities) that influence the social participation of people with various disabilities. Research activities in this theme are related to :

  • Cognitive and behavioural functions
  • Motor functions, sense and perception
  • Language-related functions

Researchers working in this field use diversified laboratory approaches including biomechanical, electromyographic, physiological, psychophysical, neuroimaging (and many others) measurements to identify the mechanisms underlying disabilities. These laboratory measures are often combined with clinical measures. Research activities in the Functions theme are also related to the development and validation of assessment tools, intervention and technologies related to functions. In addition to evaluating and improving conventional rehabilitation approaches, Cirris researchers are working to develop innovative modalities such as virtual reality, telerehabilitation, rehabilitation robotics and non-invasive brain stimulation.

This research theme focuses on three main factors of social participations:

  • Social environment
  • Physical environment
  • Technological environment

The Cirris’ three main objectives are covered by the research carried out within this theme, namely:

  • The understanding of mechanisms, phenomena and needs
  • The development and validation of assessment, intervention and technology tools
  • The evaluation and analysis of practices, policies and programs

Researchers in this field come from disciplines such as health sciences, humanities and science and engineering. The projects are carried out in the laboratories as well as in the living environment of the participants. Organizations and policies themselves may also be the subject of research questions. In short, the spectrum of projects in this theme is very broad. These projects are generally interdisciplinary, and increasingly intersectoral.