Major partners
CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale
Le CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale contribue activement à l’amélioration de la santé globale de sa population. Il offre aux utilisateurs et à leurs familles des soins de santé et des services sociaux de proximité intégrés et accessibles. Axés sur la qualité, la sécurité et la performance, les soins et les services sont basés sur les meilleures pratiques et l’innovation, avec la participation des utilisateurs, de leurs familles et des personnes qui travaillent au sein de l’organisation. Ils mobilisent et coordonnent les réseaux locaux pour répondre aux besoins de la population. Affilié à l’Université Laval et en collaboration avec des établissements d’enseignement, le CIUSSS assure un enseignement de qualité, développe des connaissances et des pratiques haut de gamme. Il favorise également la mobilisation et le transfert des connaissances scientifiques et cliniques afin de contribuer à l’amélioration des soins et des services offerts.
Université Laval
Driven by a deep-seated culture of sustainable development, Université Laval educates students to be engaged and creative and become model citizens, scientists, and business leaders who have an important impact on the direction that society takes. As a leading French-language institution with a strong international focus, Université Laval strives for excellence in education and research. It seeks to be both an example and a source of inspiration for its partners by mustering the forces of change in Québec City’s thriving university community.
Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Santé
Le Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS)’s mission:
- To promote and financially support research in health, including basic research, clinical research, epidemiology, public health, and research on healthcare services.
- To promote and financially support the mobilization and transfer of knowledge in health research.
- To promote and financially support the training of researchers by awarding excellence grants to graduate and post-graduate university students and to people performing post-graduate research, as well as by awarding fellowship grants for people who wish to re-enter the research circuit.
- To establishing any necessary partnership, notably with universities, colleges, healthcare institutions, as well as involved ministries and public organizations.
Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Société et culture
The Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC)’s mission:
- To promote and financially support the mobilization and transfer of knowledge in the area of research linked to social and human sciences, as well as education, management, arts and literature.
- To promote and financially support the training of researchers by awarding excellence grants for graduate and post-graduate university students and people doing post-graduate research as well as by awarding fellowships to people who wish to return to the research circuit and funding teaching leaves for college professors who are involved in research activities.
- To establish any necessary partnership, notably with universities, colleges, cultural institutions, ministries and concerned public and private organizations.