Are you interested in research in rehabilitation and social integration at the CIRRIS?

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Bureau of Partnerships and Innovation

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Studying at the Cirris

The Cirris has one of the three exoskeletons combined with electrical stimulation that are in service in the world for research

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Take part in our research projects

Are you interested in rehabilitation research? Would you like to contribute? Are you or a loved one living with a disability and would like to participate in the development of solutions that promote the social integration of people sharing a reality similar to yours? Cirris research is carried out in close collaboration with people from all walks of life. Find out here about research projects in which you could participate, whether or not you have a disability.


Welcome to the Cirris

The Cirris has the mission to develop and mobilize the knowledge that enables social participation of people with disabilities. Driven by a profound culture of interdisciplinary and intersectoral collaboration, this mission is kept up to date through the training of students from various disciplines as well as through the research that is done in close collaboration with disabled people and community partners, various levels of government, healthcare and social services, and the industry.

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Research Topics


Martin Caouette

$55,689 to UQTR for an inclusive management program

The Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) recently announced $155,689 in financial support from the Quebec government to help it deploy the Inclusive Hiring and Management Program,



REISD call for projects – Have your innovation validated in a real-life context

As part of its first funding round, the Réseau d’évaluation et de l’innovation en santé durable (REISD) is launching a call for projects to support an innovator over a 12-month period in the development and clinical evaluation of his or her innovation.


Alexandre Campeau-Lecours

Funding for two research projects led by Alexandre Campeau-Lecours

Two research projects led by Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Université Laval and researcher at the IngRéadaptULaval laboratory and at Cirris,


Discover our Members

The Cirris has more than 70 researchers from three Quebec universities and eight different faculties

Powel Krol

Pawel Krol, inf., Ph.D.

Expérience de santé, soins de santé, soins infirmiers, phénoménologie, philosophie, théorie critique

Nathalie Trépanier, Ph.D.

Disability situation, intervention plan, social participation, indirect support/interprofessional collaboration

Camille Gauthier-Boudreault, erg., Ph.D.

Intellectual disability, life transitions, social inclusion, self-determination, socio-professional and community activities, family support, participatory research
Would you like to support research? You can do it via the Fondation Élan.